John Smith

  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Expert in Car Maintenance, Engine Block


John Smith is an experienced Mechanical Engineer with over 12 years of experience in car maintenance and repair. She specializes in engine block repairs and electrical system diagnosis. Felicia has a knack for problem solving and can quickly identify and resolve issues related to the performance of a vehicle.

He has an eye for detail and makes sure that all repairs are done correctly the first time. She is also well-versed in the use of diagnostic tools which allows her to quickly identify any issues with a car’s engine or electrical system.

He shares her knowledge with others and helps them understand how to maintain their cars. Through Mechanictalks, she provides helpful advice and tips on how to keep your car in tip-top shape.


He is a certified Automotive Technician with a Certificate in Automotive Technology: Light-Duty Auto Repair.


He specializes in engine maintenance and repair, electrical system diagnosis, and car tuning. She is also an expert in engine block repairs, pistons, cylinder, cylinder block, crankshaft, and connecting rod repair and replacement.